Iris Malina

Iris | In Greek mythology, Iris (/ˈɨrɨs/; Ἶρις) is the personification of the rainbow and messenger of the gods. She is also known as one of the goddesses of the sea and the sky [...] She travels with the speed of wind from one end of the world to the other, and into the depths of the sea and the underworld. Malina | The slavic word for raspberry

Ms Woolmountain in action

Kategori: Malawi

I think Sherock Holmes would have liked it here.
‘Never horseplay.‘
My water samples
UV/VIS (Ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry) measurements in action
I'm finally knee deep in analytical chemistry, what I came here for. All my eight sampling points, times three samples, analysed for nutrients, metals and some other interesting parameters. And surprisingly enough, I find myself loving this! I have the whole laboratory pretty much all to myself, and everyone around are very keen to help me when I struggle. So I can do everything my own pace, one thing at a time. A lot of measuring stuff, pipetting, weighing, mixing, boiling, filtering in preparation for the fancy laboratory instruments. And then a lot of calculating, tables, plots and spreadsheets is general. I am a big fan of spreadsheets. Really! Fingers crossed that my flow continues..

I like it here

Kategori: Malawi

Barefoot sunset summit walk, you know ‘the usual’.
My time in Zomba is coming to a close. Already. It has been two months, believe it or not. Malawi is growing on me, and I'm starting to imagine what my future years as an engineer might be like. More Africa? Botswana maybe? Or South America perhaps? Who knows..

Malin's Adventure Travels

Kategori: Malawi

Back in April, when I first got the MFS-scholarship, Johan and Emil promptly decided to come and visit me in Malawi. A good excuse to go somewhere unlikely, and a revenge to the New Zealand trip that never happened. ‘Of course’ I said, but since I was convinced something would inevitable screw up, and my whole trip unexpectedly be cancelled, I could not imagine it would at all work out, and they (and me) actually get here.

But it worked, oh it worked! They are now safely back in Sweden, after a hell of a week, with what we jokingly called ‘Malin's adventure travels’ . So many sights, and so many stories.



Like that time we hiked to look at a bottomless pit.


That time Johan bought a tiny giraffe that could not stand up. And I bought a very, very ugly wooden hippo.


That time we were too heavy for the canoe we sat in, and all that awkwardness when the guide and the guy with the paddle had to push... and we were too heavy anyway. But hey, we saw hippos!


That time the Land Rover broke down in the middle of Liwonde National Park, and we sat in the shade of a termite pile, curiously observed by impalas and water bucks. For hours. And none of us were even irritated, amazingly enough.



That time we had wild elephants VERY close up, in and amongst the huts where we were staying.


That time we handed over a ridiculously thick bundle of money.



That time we got to sit in a car with actual working air condition! AND seatbelts!


That time we thought the minibus was full to the verge of bursting, and yet five more people got crammed in.


That time the minibus smelled of fish.


That time the minibus looped Mangochi for a full hour before taking off, attempting to pick up more passengers.


That time a child was handed to me, through the pick-up window. No questions asked.


That time when I had to choose between holding on the vehicle I was sitting on, in order not to fall off, or to make sure my chitenge (that is my wrap, or skirt) was indeed covering my knees. According to the other people on the pick-up, me not flashing (gasp!) my legs where more important.


That time we all fell to sleep at 21:00 (most nights actually)


That time (those times) we drank cold beer and watched the sunset.



That time we kayaked around and island, in a kayak that had a mind of its own. 


That time we cooked a huge dinner, nsima and all, and had a long discussion about development politics together with friends.


That trip, when I was the boss.



Mulanje - Probably the best mountain in the world

Kategori: Malawi

View from South Peak


"Mulanje - Probably the best mountain in the world", was the message on the back of the official Mountain Club of Malawi t-shirt. It is a reference to the slogan of Carlsberg, and I thought it was a bit on the cocky side. But no, after three days and two nights on the mountain, sleeping under the stars, climbing higher above sea level than I have ever been before, and soaking up the sun, I am convinced the claim is not unjustified.

The only downside of the experience was the heat. The temperature was in the hight thirties when we started out on Friday morning. No shade, not much water, and 1400 altitude meters ahead. After 30 minutes, I thought I was finished, my heart beating too hard and too fast, and starting to feel lightheaded. But after a break in the shade of the banana trees, and some refreshing stream water, I was up to the task. And as we climbed, the temperature became more manageble, and even more so when the sun started descending in the afternoon.

Such a diverse landscape. Bits of jungly forest, rocky outcrops, grassy fields scattered with everlasting flowers, huge funky looking boulders and a view out of this world, looking over south Malawi and Mozambique.

We camped next to the South Peak Pools, where it was possible to swim a little, and day two we climbed South Peak, 2637m. Because Mulanje was not shaped by glaciation (unlike the Swedish mountains), the layer of sharp, lose  gravel and rocks are not present here, at all. So scrambling up seriously steep slabs of granite was an absolute pleasure, with the rough surface of the weathered rock resulting in excellent grip.

And of course, after have made it down the mountain again on the sunday, with knees becoming very shaky, we indulged the compulsory post-peak-pizza, along with a few cold greens.

Mulanje - I like you!

Baby pineapple!
Relative to the Swedish mountain flower?
Grassy, flower scattered slopes.
Women collecting grass to make brooms
Water break
Bedbug-bites and grit
Dirty feet 2.0
South Peak!
South Peak Pools
The tea plantations, with the Mulanje Massif in the background


Kategori: Malawi


Yesterday, I purchased one hundred empty 0.5 l water bottles, 60 kwacha each (~1kr), to use for my water samples. So the next thing to do is to actually go out into the field to measure pH, conductivity, temperature and turbidity, at my purposefully selected sample points. And also collect seven times six bottles of river water, for later analysis of metal and nutrient content in the laboratory. 

The prospect of spending the bulk of the upcoming weeks in a chemistry laboratory, sweating and pulling my hair.. I don't know how I can possibly pull this of (the project, not the hair)!

A bag of one hundred sample bottles.

Ku Chawe

Kategori: Malawi


Posing in front of a cloudy, cold Zomba.

I'm slowly starting to make friends here, both Malawians and non-malawians. Lake of Stars was very useful in that sense, with great may contacts being made. For instance, this weekend I was invited to a barbecue up on the plateau, overlooking Zomba. Unfortunately, the weather this weekend was unusually cold. Like actually quite cold, I reached for my fleece for the first time since I arrived. And the Malawians put on winter jackets! Climate change my friend, these weather anomalies are getting increasingly common they tell me.

And this coming weekend, I'm heading for the Mulanje Massif in the south, for some proper hiking. It is a cluster of some 25 peaks, the highest being 3002m, with green tea plantations covering the lower slopes. Three days hiking, two nights in tent and some 2200m altitude, together with the Malawi Mountain Club, which I was introduced to by a gentleman on the Lake of Stars. How exciting!

Malawi and Malawians

Kategori: Malawi


I have now been here in Malawi exactly one month, and I thought I would summarize some of my findings about the country, its inhabitants and me being in the midst of it.

 - The people here are exceptionally friendly. Everyday, people approach me for some chit chat, some pleasant polite conversation; Muli bwanji? Ndili bwino, kaya inu? Chabwino! (How are you? I'm fine, and you? Very good!) or to ask me what brings me to Zomba. In the market, I'm likely to be charged a higher prize than my malawian friends, so called mzungu price, but it is never unreasonable. And when I get on a minibus, I always end up where I need to be without very much hassle.

 - People here have such great names. I have come across people actually named Precious, Innocent, Blessings (all male names), Miracle and Gift, along with a wide range of Chichewa, Tonga names (both local tongues spoken here) and more common English names.

 - During this whole time, I have seen only one male carrying a child on the back, in all the other cases it is mothers and sisters carrying the little ones. There are no such thing as baby strollers (barnvagnar) here, it would not work anyway with the way the streets look. Instead all small children are carried on their backs in simple colorful cloths referred to as chitenge, which is the same fabric most rural women wear as skirts, or wraps.

 - Remember the lyrics to Toto's Africa? "The wild dogs cry out in the night, as they grow restless longing for some solitary company [...] It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you. There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do. I bless the rains down in Africa..". Well, the wild dogs are indeed crying out in the night. All night, every night!

 - The bugs here are MASSIVE. Massive wasps and massive bumblebees. They seem friendly enough though. Thankfully. And the ants, on the other hand, are really, really tiny.

 - I keep being surprised by my own skin color, repeatedly. All I see around me, all day long, is dark skinned people, and when I glance down on my arms every now and then, I still find myself thinking "Whoa! Pinkish white!".

 - My feet always seems dirty, no matter how often I wash them (which is daily). The red, fine dust of Africa sticks to my skin as if its life depended on it. Even when I'm wearing socks and shoes.


My dirty feet getting the daily scrub. A flip flop tan is emerging.

 - At home, I would never buy bananas. And I would not voluntarily touch brown ones. Here, I'm all of a sudden totally fine with brown, even black bananas. Even the ones that are ripe to the point of emitting a slightly alcoholic scent.

 - Oh, and the trees are amazing! But I'll save them for another special post!


Kategori: Malawi

I have booked a safari, like a proper safari, to South Luangwa National Park in neighbouring country Zambia. This is supposedly one of the best parks in Africa, beside giants like Kruger and Serengeti. This is my birthday present, thank you mamma, pappa, and farfar (and anyone else who is involved somehow)!
This thing starts on November 10th, and marks the end of my school project time, and the start of a month of Malawi backpacking!