Ku Chawe
Kategori: Malawi

I'm slowly starting to make friends here, both Malawians and non-malawians. Lake of Stars was very useful in that sense, with great may contacts being made. For instance, this weekend I was invited to a barbecue up on the plateau, overlooking Zomba. Unfortunately, the weather this weekend was unusually cold. Like actually quite cold, I reached for my fleece for the first time since I arrived. And the Malawians put on winter jackets! Climate change my friend, these weather anomalies are getting increasingly common they tell me.
And this coming weekend, I'm heading for the Mulanje Massif in the south, for some proper hiking. It is a cluster of some 25 peaks, the highest being 3002m, with green tea plantations covering the lower slopes. Three days hiking, two nights in tent and some 2200m altitude, together with the Malawi Mountain Club, which I was introduced to by a gentleman on the Lake of Stars. How exciting!