Iris Malina

Iris | In Greek mythology, Iris (/ˈɨrɨs/; Ἶρις) is the personification of the rainbow and messenger of the gods. She is also known as one of the goddesses of the sea and the sky [...] She travels with the speed of wind from one end of the world to the other, and into the depths of the sea and the underworld. Malina | The slavic word for raspberry

Malins önskelista

Kategori: Vardag

Här kommer den! (Med reservation för eventuella ändringar!)

Önskelista 2008

 - Teflonstekpanna med lock

  - Bi-lein schampo

  - Skrivare

  - Innebandyklubba

  - Digital hushållsvåg

  - Långfärdsskridskor (råttefellabindning)


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